March 17th (1452) was a Wednesday. It's the 76th day of the year (77th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 289 days left to the end of the year.
Historical Events for 17th March, 1452
» The Battle of Los Alporchones is fought in the context of the Spanish Reconquista between the Emirate of Granada and the combined forces of the Kingdom of Castile and Kingdom of Murcia named Murcia resulting in a Christian victory.
March 17th Holidays in History
» Christian Feast Day:
» Alexius of Rome (Eastern Church)
» Gertrude of Nivelles
» Joseph of Arimathea (Latin liturgical rites named Western Church)
» Saint Patrick named Patrick
» March 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
» Evacuation Day (Massachusetts) named Evacuation Day (Suffolk County, Massachusetts)
» Liberalia, in honor of Dionysus known as Liber Pater. Considered by some to be part of Agonalia. (Ancient Rome)