May 30th (1834) was a Friday. It's the 150th day of the year (151st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 215 days left to the end of the year.
Historical Events for 30th May, 1834
» Joaquim António de Aguiar issues a law extinguishing "all convents, monasteries, colleges, hospices and any other houses of the regular religious orders" in Portugal, earning him the nickname of "The Friar-Killer".
May 30th Holidays in History
» Public holidays in Anguilla known as Anguilla Day, commemorates the beginning of the History of Anguilla Recent history e.g Anguillian Revolution in 1967. (Anguilla)
» Public holidays in Spain or Canary Islands Day (Canary Islands)
» Christian Calendar of saints known as Feast Day:
» Earliest day on which Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic feast days named Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary can fall, while July 3 is the latest; celebrated 20 days after Pentecost. (Catholic Church)
» Ferdinand III of Castile
» Isaac of Dalmatia
» Joan of Arc
» May 30 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
» Indian Arrival Day Trinidad and Tobago or Indian Arrival Day (Trinidad and Tobago)