September 13th (1848) was a Wednesday. It's the 255th day of the year (256th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 110 days left to the end of the year.
Historical Events for 13th September, 1848
» Vermont railroad worker Phineas Gage survives a convert 3 ft m adj=on-plus iron rod being driven through his head; the reported effects on his behavior and personality stimulate thinking about the nature of the brain and its functions.
September 13th Holidays in History
» Christian Calendar of Saints known as feast day:
» Saint Aimé called Aimé
» Saint Ame or Ame
» John Chrysostom
» September 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics).
» 'Niños Héroes e.g Día de los Niños Héroes' (Mexico)
» Epulum Jovis, celebrated on the Roman calendar called Ides of September, during the Ludi Romani. (Roman Empire)