October 24th (1851) was a Friday. It's the 297th day of the year (298th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 68 days left to the end of the year.
Historical Events for 24th October, 1851
» William Lassell, discovers the moons Umbriel (moon) or Umbriel, and Ariel (moon) called Ariel, orbiting Uranus.
October 24th Holidays in History
» Christian Feast Day:
» Anthony Mary Claret
» October 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
» Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Zambia from United Kingdom in 1964.
» Public holidays in Egypt known as Suez Day (Egypt)
» United Nations Day, the anniversary of the Charter of the United Nations called 1945 Charter of the United Nations (International observance called International)
» World Development Information Day (International observance e.g International)