What Happened On 1st February 2004 In History

February 1st (2004) was a Sunday. It's the 29th day of the year (30th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 336 days left to the end of the year.

Historical Events for 1st February, 2004

  • » Incidents during the Hajj Failures in crowd control e.g 251 people are trampled to death and 244 injured in a stampede at the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

February 1st Holidays in History

  • » Public holidays in Nicaragua called Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
  • » Abolitionism National abolition dates e.g Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery (Mauritius)
  • » Christian Feast Day:
  • » Astina (Syrian Church)
  • » Brigid of Kildare named Brigid, patron saint of Ireland
  • » February 1 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • » Earliest day on which Constitution of Mexico Organization named Constitution Day can fall, while February 7 is the latest; celebrated on the first Monday in February. (Mexico)
  • » Earliest day on which National Wear Red Day can fall, while February 7 is the latest; celebrated on the first Friday in February. (United States)
  • » Federal Territory Day (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan Territory called Labuan and Putrajaya, Malaysia)
  • » Public holidays in Rwanda e.g Heroes Day (Rwanda)
  • » Imbolc (Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, and some Neopaganism e.g Neopagan groups in the Northern hemisphere)
  • » Public holidays in Hungary e.g Memorial Day of the Republic (Hungary)
  • » National Freedom Day (United States)
  • » The first day of Quebec Winter Carnival, celebrated until February 17 (Quebec City)
  • » The start of Black History Month (United States and Canada)
  • » The start of LGBT History Month (United Kingdom)

Year 2004 historical events for the month of February

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

World History for the 1st February