March 20th (2004) was a Saturday. It's the 79th day of the year (80th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 286 days left to the end of the year.
» Earliest date for the Equinox Vernal equinox commemorations called vernal equinox in the Northern hemisphere:
» Chunfen (China)
» Earth Day History of the Equinox Earth Day .28March 20.29 or Equinox Earth Day (International observances called international)
» New Year (Thelema)
» Nowruz (Persian People Persian, Gilaki people Gilaki, Kurdish people Kurdish, Zoroastrianism Zoroastrians, and other Iranian people and countries with an Iranian influence)
» Ostara in the northern hemisphere, Mabon (Wicca) called Mabon in the southern hemisphere. (Neo-Druidism known as Neo-Druidic Wheel of the Year)
» International Astrology Day (astrologers and astrology enthusiasts)
» Holidays of Japan e.g Shunbun no Hi (Japan)
» World Storytelling Day (international)
» Earliest day on which Good Friday can fall, while April 23 is the latest; celebrated on Friday before Easter. (Christianity)
» Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Tunisia from France in 1956.
» International Day of Happiness (United Nations)
» International Francophonie Day ('Organisation internationale de la Francophonie'), and its related observances: