September 7th (371) was a Tuesday. It's the 249th day of the year (250th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 116 days left to the end of the year.
September 7th Holidays in History
» Christian Calendar of saints e.g feast day:
» Anastasius the Fuller
» Clodoald
» Gratus of Aosta
» Regina (martyr) e.g Regina
» September 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
» Earliest day on which National Grandparents Day can fall, while September 13 is the latest; celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day. (United States)
» Independence Day (Brazil) known as Independence day, celebrates the independence of Brazil from Portugal in 1822
» Thylacine .22Benjamin.22 and searches known as National Threatened Species Day (Australia)
» Armed Forces Day Pakistan known as Pakistani Air Force Day since 1971. (Public holidays in Pakistan e.g Pakistan)