September 8th (433) was a Thursday. It's the 250th day of the year (251st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 115 days left to the end of the year.
September 8th Holidays in History
» Christian Feast Day:
» Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (Roman Catholic Church)
» Nativity of Mary (Roman Catholic Church), (Anglo-Catholicism)
» Our Lady of Charity
» Pope Sergius I
» September 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
» Earliest day on which Public holidays in Turkmenistan known as Day of the Workers in the Oil, Gas, Power, and Geological Industry can fall, while September 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Saturday in September. (Turkmenistan)
» Earliest day on which Public holidays in Estonia or Grandparents Day can fall, while September 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday in September. (Canada, Estonia)
» Earliest day on which Mid-Autumn Festival can fall, while October 8 is the latest; celebrated on the 15th day in the 8th month of Chinese calendar. (China, Chinese diaspora)
» Earliest day on which Public holidays in Turkmenistan known as Turkmen Bakhshi Day can fall, while September 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday in September. (Turkmenistan)
» Independence Day (Republic of Macedonia) named Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Republic of Macedonia known as Macedonia from Yugoslavia in 1991.
» International Literacy Day (International observances known as International)
» National day, also the feast of Our Lady of Meritxell. (Andorra)
» The first day of Fiestas de Santa Fe, marked by the burning of the Zozobra (New Mexico)
» Victory Day September 8 in Pakistan or Victory Day (Pakistan)