Birthday Personality July 29th 1030 Star Sign

July 29th (1030) was a Thursday. It's the 210th day of the year (211th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 155 days left to the end of the year.

♌ Leo is the Zodiac Sign for July 29th


Birthday numerology calculation for people born on 29th July 1030

Astrological traits for life path nr 22

  • Ruling Planet: Uranus
    Colors: Blue, Gray
    Gemstones: Sapphire
    Qualities: Successfull, Visionary
  • Character and birthday personality attributes to this life path number:
    Master builder, honest, practical, peaceful, extreme, manipulative.

Historical Events for 29th July, 1030

  • » Earls of Lade Ladejarl-Hereditary Kingdom of Norway Fairhair succession wars: Battle of Stiklestad Olaf II of Norway King Olaf II fights and dies trying to regain his List of Norwegian monarchs Norwegian throne from the Danes.

July 29th Famous Deaths for 1030

  • » Olaf II of Norway (b. 995)

Birthday Astrology 29th July

Year 1030 Chinese Zodiac Signs and Birthstones. Month of July Astrology.

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

♌ Leo Star Sign Traits July

  • Element: Fire.
  • Quality: Fixed.
  • Planetary ruler: Sun.
  • Birthstone: Ruby.
  • Flower: Sunflower.
  • Color: Gold.
  • Key characteristic: Creativity.
  • Strengths: Courage, integrity, confidence.
  • Challenges: Egotism, selfishness, dominating to others.