Birthday Personality December 3rd 1976 Star Sign

December 3rd (1976) was a Friday. It's the 337th day of the year (338th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 28 days left to the end of the year.

♐ Sagittarius is the Zodiac Sign for December 3rd


Birthday numerology calculation for people born on 3rd December 1976

Astrological traits for life path nr 11

  • Ruling Planet: The Moon
    Colors: Green, Cream
    Gemstones: Pearl, Jade, Moonstone
    Qualities: Charismatic, Inspiring
  • Character and birthday personality attributes to this life path number:
    Visionary, idealistic, teacher, sensitive, a perfectionist, aloof.

Historical Events for 3rd December, 1976

  • » An assassination attempt is made on Bob Marley. He is shot twice, but will play a Smile Jamaica Concert called concert only two days later.

Famous Birthdays on December 3 in 1976

  • » Mark Boucher, South African cricketer
  • » Silvia Fontana, American-Italian figure skater
  • » Gary Glover, American baseball player
  • » Cornelius Griffin, American football player
  • » Byron Kelleher, New Zealand rugby player
  • » Todd Smith (musician) e.g Todd Smith, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Dog Fashion Disco, Polkadot Cadaver, The Alter Boys, and Knives Out!)

Birthday Astrology 3rd December

Year 1976 Chinese Zodiac Signs and Birthstones. Month of December Astrology.

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

♐ Sagittarius Star Sign Traits December

  • Element: Fire.
  • Quality: Cardinal.
  • Planetary ruler: Mars.
  • Birthstone: Diamond.
  • Flower: Hawthorn.
  • Color: Scarlet.
  • Key characteristic: Leadership.
  • Strengths: Intelligent, assertive, adventurous.
  • Challenges: Trouble with sharing, too much ego, vindictive.