Birthday Personality May 16th 2013 Star Sign

May 16th (2013) was a Thursday. It's the 136th day of the year (137th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 229 days left to the end of the year.

♉ Taurus is the Zodiac Sign for May 16th


Birthday numerology calculation for people born on 16th May 2013

Astrological traits for life path nr 9

  • Ruling Planet: Mars
    Colors: Red
    Gemstones: Bloodstone
    Qualities: Compassionate, Idealistic
  • Character and birthday personality attributes to this life path number:
    Generosity, passion, altruistic, resourceful, egotistical, fragile.

May 16th Famous Deaths for 2013

  • » Angelo Errichetti, American politician (b. 1928)
  • » Bryan Illerbrun, Canadian football player (b. 1957)
  • » Frankie Librán, Puerto Rican baseball player (b. 1948)
  • » Heinrich Rohrer, Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics e.g Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1933)
  • » Paul Shane, English actor and singer (b. 1940)
  • » Dick Trickle, American race car driver (b. 1941)
  • » Bernard Waber, American author and illustrator (b. 1921)

Birthday Astrology 16th May

Year 2013 Chinese Zodiac Signs and Birthstones. Month of May Astrology.

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

♉ Taurus Star Sign Traits May

  • Element: Earth.
  • Quality: Fixed.
  • Planetary ruler: Venus.
  • Birthstone: Emerald.
  • Flower: Red rose.
  • Color: Shocking pink.
  • Key characteristic: Determination.
  • Strengths: Hard-working, honest, brave.
  • Challenges: Intractable, short-sighted, bullying.