Chinese Zodiac Signs 1312 Astrology Horoscope

Year 1312 Chinese Zodiac Sign is Rat

  • Being born under the Chinese Zodiac Sign Rat people tend to be very charismatic and have great attraction towards the opposite sex. Rats make great leaders and are hardworking, but on the other side they cab be rather unpredictable.

    Percectionism is likely to be found in a Rats behaviours. Such traits combined with big ambition usually lead them to a road of success. Bad behaviours to work on would be gossiping and having a big temper. Family and friends are of great importance in a Rats life. This is also shown in generous ways towards their loved ones. Loyalty towards people close to Rats is usually guaranteed.
  • Astrology character and traits of Rat sign:
    Charming, clever, courageous, enterprising, imaginative, generous, ambitious, successful, hard workers, critical and short tempered.

1312 Zodiac Sign Rat Compatibility

  • Chinese Zodiac Signs are based upon a twelve year lunar cycle. Your zodiac animal sign is determined by your birthday year. If you were born in 1312 then your astrological sign is Rat. There are twelve animal signs. Each animal has it's own attributes and personality traits the Chinese believe comprise the nature of each particular animal.
  • Best matches for Zodiac Sign Rat are: Ox, Dragon, Monkey
  • Bad matches for Zodiac Sign Rat are: Horse, Rabbit, Rooster

Famous Birthdays in 1312

Famous Deaths in History for 1312

  • 13th May » Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine (b. 1263)
  • 19th June » Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall, English politician (b. 1284)
  • 27th August » Arthur II, Duke of Brittany (b. 1261)
  • 7th September » Ferdinand IV of Castile (b. 1285)
  • 27th October » John II, Duke of Brabant (b. 1275)
  • 28th October » Elizabeth of Carinthia, Queen of Germany (b. 1262)

Year 1312 Zodiac Signs and Birthstones by month