The February Birthstone is the Amethyst. It symbolizes piety, humility, spiritual wisdom, and sincerity. At one point in time, only royalty could wear the gem. Amethyst is said to be associated with good luck, humor, and health. Amethyst is called the traditional birthstone of February. Onyx is considered the secondary birthstone of February.
February Zodiac Signs
Month of February Zodiac Signs are Aquarius(until February 18) and Pisces(February 19 onwards).
Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) People born under this sign can sometimes leave an impression of being simple minded. However this is actually one of their positive qualities. This quality can result in being honest, loyal and dependable. Some other great attributes of the Aquarius are smarts and a drive towards independence. Aquarius are compatible with: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius and other Aquarius.
Pisces (February 20 - March 20) Pisces and Aquarius have some common qualities. Both tend to be honest and like to be low key in social situations. Neither likes to draw attention to themselves. People who are born under the sign of Pisces tend to be generous and passionate towards other people and their own goals. Pisces are compatible with: Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.
February Birth Flowers
Month of February is associated with St. Valentine's Day and red roses. However, the flower for the month is Violet. The flower symbolises faithfulness, humility and chastity. Gifting violets in the Victorian era conveyed the message: I'll always be true. The birth flower is found in shades of blue, mauve as well as yellow and cream.
Faithfulness, Wisdom and Hope. Violets convey the meaning that you will always be true. February Birth Flower Violet comes in shades not only of Purple, which is what people commonly think of, but also of White.
Year 1656 February Holidays in History
1st » Public holidays in Nicaragua called Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
1st » Abolitionism National abolition dates e.g Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery (Mauritius)
1st » Christian Feast Day:
1st » Astina (Syrian Church)
1st » Brigid of Kildare named Brigid, patron saint of Ireland
1st » February 1 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
1st » Earliest day on which Constitution of Mexico Organization named Constitution Day can fall, while February 7 is the latest; celebrated on the first Monday in February. (Mexico)
1st » Earliest day on which National Wear Red Day can fall, while February 7 is the latest; celebrated on the first Friday in February. (United States)
1st » Federal Territory Day (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan Territory called Labuan and Putrajaya, Malaysia)
1st » Public holidays in Rwanda e.g Heroes Day (Rwanda)
1st » Imbolc (Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, and some Neopaganism e.g Neopagan groups in the Northern hemisphere)
1st » Public holidays in Hungary e.g Memorial Day of the Republic (Hungary)
1st » National Freedom Day (United States)
1st » The first day of Quebec Winter Carnival, celebrated until February 17 (Quebec City)
1st » The start of Black History Month (United States and Canada)
1st » The start of LGBT History Month (United Kingdom)
2nd » Public holidays in Estonia named Anniversary of Treaty of Tartu (Estonia)
2nd » Christian Feast Day:
2nd » Cornelius the Centurion
2nd » February 2 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
2nd » Public holidays in the Philippines Other Holidays declared in the Philippines called Constitution Day (Philippines)
2nd » Public holidays in Azerbaijan known as Day of Youth (Azerbaijan)
2nd » Earliest day on which Shrove Monday can fall, while March 8 is the latest; celebrated on Monday before Ash Wednesday (Christianity), and its related observances:
2nd » Public holidays in Iceland known as Bun Day (Iceland)
2nd » Fastelavn (Denmark/Norway)
2nd » Rosenmontag (Germany)
2nd » Candlemas or Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple or Candlemas (Western Christianity), and its related observances:
2nd » A quarter day in the Christian calendar (due to Candlemas). (Scotland)
2nd » Celebration of Yemanja Brazil named Yemanja (Candomblé)
24th » Lindel Tsen and Paul Sasaki (Anglican Church of Canada)
24th » Modest (bishop of Trier)
24th » Sergius of Cappadocia
24th » February 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
24th » Dragobete (Romania)
24th » Flag Day in Mexico e.g Flag Day (Mexico)
24th » Independence Day (Estonia) e.g Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Estonia from the Russian Empire in 1918; the Soviet period is considered to have been an illegal annexation.