What Happened In November 1393 In History

Year 1393 November Holidays in History

  • 1st » All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation (Roman Catholic Church. A holiday in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta (for schools only), Maur
  • 1st » Public holidays in India Secular holidays e.g Andhra Pradesh Formation Day (Andhra Pradesh)
  • 1st » Public holidays in Algeria named Anniversary of the Revolution (Algeria)
  • 1st » Christian Feast Day:
  • 1st » Austromoine
  • 1st » Benignus of Dijon
  • 1st » Caesarius of Africa
  • 1st » November 1 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 1st » Public holidays in Bhutan or Coronation of the fifth Druk Gyalpo (Bhutan)
  • 1st » Day of the Innocents, The first day of Day of the Dead or 'El Dia de los Muertos' celebration. (Mexico, Haiti)
  • 1st » Day of the leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival (Bulgaria)
  • 1st » Earliest day on which Arbor Day can fall, while 7 November is the latest; celebrated on the first Friday in November. (Samoa)
  • 1st » Earliest day on which Public holidays in Turkmenistan e.g Health Day can fall, while 7 November is the latest; celebrated on the first Saturday in November. (Turkmenistan)
  • 1st » Haryana Formation of Haryana known as Haryana Foundation Day (Haryana)
  • 1st » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Antigua and Barbuda from the United Kingdom in 1981.
  • 1st » Karnataka Rajyotsava called Karnataka Foundation Day (Karnataka)
  • 1st » Kerala Piravi called Kerala Foundation Day (Kerala)
  • 1st » National Bison Day (United States)
  • 1st » Samhain in the Northern Hemisphere and Beltaine in the Southern hemisphere, celebrations start at sunset of October 31 (Neopagan Wheel of the Year)
  • 2nd » All Souls Day (Roman Catholic Church called Roman Catholic and Anglican Church), and its related observances:
  • 2nd » 'All Souls Day called Dia de Finados' or 'Dia dos Fiéis Defuntos' (Brazil and Portugal)
  • 2nd » Christian Feast Day:
  • 2nd » Victorinus of Pettau
  • 2nd » November 2 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 2nd » Coronation of Haile Selassie (Rastafari movement)
  • 2nd » Day of the Dead, The second day of Day of the Dead or 'El Dia de los Muertos' celebration. (Mexico)
  • 2nd » Earliest day on which Election Day (United States) known as Election Day can fall, while November 8 is the latest; celebrated on Tuesday following the first Monday in November. (United States)
  • 2nd » Indian Arrival Day (Mauritius)
  • 2nd » Karatsu Kunchi (Karatsu, Saga)
  • 3rd » Christian Feast Day:
  • 3rd » Acepsimas of Hnaita and companions (Greek Orthodox Church)
  • 3rd » Hubertus
  • 3rd » St. Martin de Porres known as Martin de Porres
  • 3rd » Richard Hooker (Anglican Communion)
  • 3rd » Rupert Mayer
  • 3rd » Winefride
  • 3rd » November 3 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 3rd » Culture Day (Japanese calendar National holidays named Japan), and its related observances:
  • 3rd » Independence Day called Independence Day / Separation Day, celebrates the separation and independence of Panama from Colombia in 1903.
  • 3rd » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Dominica from the United Kingdom in 1978.
  • 3rd » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of the Federated States of Micronesia from the United States in 1986.
  • 6th » Christian feast day:
  • 6th » Illtud
  • 6th » Leonard of Noblac
  • 6th » Winnoc
  • 6th » William Temple (bishop) named William Temple (Anglican Communion)
  • 6th » November 6 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 6th » Constitution Day (Dominican Republic (1884), Tajikistan (1994), Tatarstan (1992))
  • 6th » Finnish Swedish Heritage Day, Flag days in Finland known as a flag day (Finland)
  • 6th » Public holidays in Morocco or Green March (Morocco)
  • 6th » Gustavus Adolphus Day, death of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Flag days in Sweden known as official flag day (Sweden)
  • 7th » Christian Calendar of saints or Feast Day:
  • 7th » Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg (Lutheran)
  • 7th » Engelbert II of Berg
  • 7th » Herculanus of Perugia
  • 7th » John Christian Frederick Heyer (Lutheran)
  • 7th » Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen (Lutheran)
  • 7th » Prosdocimus
  • 7th » Vicente Liem de la Paz
  • 7th » Willibrord
  • 7th » November 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 7th » National Day, after Treaty of Pyrenees. (Northern Catalonia)
  • 7th » National Revolution and Solidarity Day (Bangladesh)
  • 8th » Christian feast day:
  • 8th » Elizabeth of the Trinity known as Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 8th » Four Crowned Martyrs
  • 8th » Godfrey of Amiens
  • 8th » Johann von Staupitz (Lutheran)
  • 8th » Calendar of saints (Church of England) November known as Saints and Martyrs of England (Church of England)
  • 8th » Willehad of Bremen
  • 8th » November 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 8th » Earliest day on which Pupusa or National Festival of Pupusa can fall, while November 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday in November. (El Salvador)
  • 8th » Earliest day on which Remembrance Sunday can fall, while November 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday in November. (United Kingdom)
  • 8th » International Day of Radiology
  • 8th » One of the 'Lapis manalis called Mundus patet' (Roman Empire)
  • 8th » Synaxis of the Michael (archangel) called Archangel Michael and the other Christian angelic hierarchy known as Bodiless Powers of Heaven (Eastern Orthodox Church)
  • 9th » Public holidays in Pakistan called Birthday of Muhammad Iqbal (Pakistan)
  • 9th » Christian Calendar of Saints known as Feast Day:
  • 9th » Dedication of the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Cathedral of the Pope (memorial feast day)
  • 9th » Theodore of Amasea (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 9th » Vitonus
  • 9th » Benignus of Armagh
  • 9th » Margery Kempe (Church of England)
  • 9th » Martin Chemnitz (Lutheran)
  • 9th » November 9 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 9th » Dia de los ñatitas e.g Day of the Skulls or 'Dia de los ñatitas' (Bolivia)
  • 9th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Cambodia from France in 1953.
  • 9th » Schicksalstag (Germany)
  • 10th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 10th » Andrew Avellino
  • 10th » Justus
  • 10th » Pope Leo I
  • 10th » November 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 10th » Public holidays in Panama e.g Cry of Independence Day (Panama)
  • 10th » Day of Remembrance of Ataturk (Turkey)
  • 10th » Militsiya Militsiya in the Russian Federation called Day of Russian Militsiya (Russia)
  • 10th » Day of Tradition or 'Día de la Tradición', celebrated on the birthday of José Hernández (writer) called José Hernández (Argentina, especially San Antonio de Areco)
  • 11th » Public holidays in Bhutan known as Birthday of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck (Bhutan)
  • 11th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 11th » Bartholomew of Grottaferrata (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 11th » Martin of Tours (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 11th » Saint Menas e.g Menas
  • 11th » Søren Kierkegaard (Lutheran Church)
  • 11th » Theodore the Studite
  • 11th » November 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 11th » End of World War I related observances:
  • 11th » Armistice Day (New Zealand, France, Belgium and Serbia)
  • 11th » Remembrance Day (United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations, including Australia and Canada)
  • 11th » Veterans Day (United States) or Veterans Day, called Armistice Day until 1954, when the holiday was rededicated to be in honor of American military, naval, and Air Force, veterans. (United States)
  • 11th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Angola from Portugal in 1975.
  • 11th » Public holidays in Colombia called Independence of Cartagena (Colombia)
  • 11th » Lāčplēsis Lāčplēsis Day called Lāčplēsis Day, celebrates the victory over the Bermontians at the battle of Riga in 1919. (Latvia)
  • 11th » Opening of carnival ("Karneval"/"Fasching"), on 11-11, at 11:11. (Germany, the Netherlands, and other countries)
  • 11th » Pocky e.g Pocky Day and Pretz e.g Pretz Day (Japan)
  • 11th » Pepero Day (South Korea)
  • 11th » Republic Day (Maldives)
  • 12th » World Pneumonia Day, (United Nations)
  • 12th » Christian Calendar of saints called Feast Day:
  • 12th » Cumméne Fota
  • 12th » Emilian of Cogolla
  • 12th » Josaphat Kuntsevych
  • 12th » Nilus of Sinai
  • 12th » Patiens
  • 12th » Arsatius
  • 12th » November 12 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 13th » Christian Calendar of saints called Feast Day:
  • 13th » Brice of Tours
  • 13th » Frances Xavier Cabrini
  • 13th » Saint Homobonus known as Homobonus
  • 13th » St. John Chrysostom or John Chrysostom (Eastern Orthodox, Repose)
  • 13th » Quintian of Rodez
  • 13th » Saints of the Premonstratensian Order
  • 13th » Stanislaus Kostka
  • 13th » Charles Simeon(Church of England)
  • 13th » The Hundred Thousand Martyrs of Tbilisi (Georgian Orthodox Church)
  • 13th » Earliest day on which Volkstrauertag called National Day of Mourning or 'Volkstrauertag' can fall, observed two Sundays before the first of Advent. (Germany)
  • 13th » Feast of Feronia (goddess) Feronia, celebrated on the Ides (calendar) Ides of Roman festivals November November (Roman Empire)
  • 14th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 14th » Barlaam of Kiev
  • 14th » Philip the Apostle (Eastern Orthodox Church)
  • 14th » Serapion of Algiers
  • 14th » Justinian I known as Emperor Justinian (Lutheran Church)
  • 14th » Samuel Seabury (bishop) known as Samuel Seabury (Anglican Communion)
  • 14th » November 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 14th » Policarpa Salavarrieta Day of the Colombian Woman called Day of the Colombian Woman (Colombia)
  • 14th » Equorum Probatio, the official cavalry parade of the equites, is held. (Roman Empire)
  • 15th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 15th » Abibus of Edessa
  • 15th » Albertus Magnus e.g Albert the Great
  • 15th » Hugh Cook Faringdon known as Blessed Hugh Faringdon
  • 15th » Didier of Cahors
  • 15th » Saint Leopold III known as Leopold III, a Culture of Austria Public holidays e.g public holiday in Lower Austria and Vienna.
  • 15th » Malo (saint) called Malo
  • 15th » Mechell
  • 15th » Francis Asbury and George Whitefield (Episcopal Church (USA))
  • 15th » November 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 15th » Day of the German-speaking Community of Belgium (German-speaking Community of Belgium)
  • 15th » Palestinian Declaration of Independence e.g Independence Day, unilaterally declared in 1988. (State of Palestine e.g Palestine)
  • 15th » Public holidays in Brazil known as Republic Proclamation Day (Brazil)
  • 15th » Shichi-Go-San (Japan)
  • 16th » Christian Calendar of Saints named Feast Day:
  • 16th » Edmund Rich e.g Edmund of Abingdon
  • 16th » Eucherius of Lyon
  • 16th » Gertrude the Great (Roman Catholic church)
  • 16th » Saint Margaret of Scotland e.g Margaret of Scotland
  • 16th » Saint Matthew named Matthew the Evangelist (Eastern Christianity)
  • 16th » Saint Othmar named Othmar
  • 16th » November 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 16th » Hugh of Lincoln (commemoration, Anglicanism)
  • 16th » Public holidays in Estonia or Day of Declaration of Sovereignty (Estonia)
  • 16th » Earliest day on which Buß- und Bettag Bu.C3.9F- und Bettag in Germany Day of Repentance and Prayer can fall, while November 22 is the latest; celebrated 11 days before Advent Sunday (Lutheran, Reformed Church Reformed (Calvinist) and United and uniting ch
  • 16th » Volkstrauertag (Germany)
  • 16th » Icelandic Language Day or 'Dagur íslenskrar tungu' (Iceland)
  • 17th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 17th » Acisclus
  • 17th » Aignan of Orleans
  • 17th » Elisabeth of Hungary
  • 17th » Gennadius of Constantinople (Greek Orthodox Church)
  • 17th » Gregory of Tours (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 17th » Gregory Thaumaturgus
  • 17th » Hilda of Whitby
  • 17th » Hugh of Lincoln
  • 17th » November 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 17th » Earliest day on which National Survivors of Suicide Day can fall, while November 23 is the latest; celebrated on Saturday before Thanksgiving. (United States)
  • 18th » Christian Calendar of saints or Feast Day:
  • 18th » Abhai of Hach (Syriac Orthodox Church)
  • 18th » Juthwara (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 18th » Mabyn (Roman Catholic Church and Anglicanism)
  • 18th » Rose Philippine Duchesne (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 18th » Elizabeth of Hungary (Church of England)
  • 18th » Hilda of Whitby (Episcopal Church (United States) known as Episcopal Church)
  • 18th » November 5 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 18th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Latvia from Russia in 1918.
  • 18th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Morocco from France and Spain in 1956.
  • 18th » National Day (Oman)
  • 20th » International observances e.g Africa Industrialization Day (international)
  • 20th » Black Awareness Day (Brazil)
  • 20th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 20th » Bernward of Hildesheim
  • 20th » Edmund the Martyr
  • 20th » November 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 20th » Day of National Sovereignty (Argentina)
  • 20th » Earliest day on which the Feast of Christ the King can fall, while November 26 is the latest; celebrated on the last Sunday before Advent. (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 20th » Revolution Day (Mexico) known as Revolution Day (Mexico)
  • 20th » Transgender Day of Remembrance (LGBT community)
  • 21st » Armed Forces Day (Bangladesh)
  • 21st » Armed Forces Day (Greece)
  • 21st » Christian Calendar of Saints or Feast Day:
  • 21st » Pope Gelasius I
  • 21st » Presentation of Mary e.g Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • 21st » November 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 21st » Day of the Dayton Agreement e.g General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska)
  • 21st » National Adoption Day (United States)
  • 21st » No Music Day (Holiday Unofficial holidays named Unofficial)
  • 21st » World Hello Day (Unofficial)
  • 22nd » Christian Calendar of saints named Feast Day:
  • 22nd » Saint Cecilia or Cecilia
  • 22nd » November 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 22nd » Congress of Manastir e.g Day of the Albanian Alphabet (Albania and Albanians e.g ethnic Albanians)
  • 22nd » Earliest day on which Thanksgiving named Thanksgiving Day can fall, while November 28 is the latest; celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. (United States)
  • 23rd » Christian Feast Day:
  • 23rd » Alexander Nevsky (Repose, Russian Orthodox Church)
  • 23rd » Columbanus
  • 23rd » Felicitas of Rome
  • 23rd » Pope Clement I (Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and the Lutheran Church)
  • 23rd » Miguel Agustin Pro (Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church)
  • 23rd » November 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 23rd » Earliest day on which Black Friday (shopping) named Black Friday can fall, while November 29 is the latest; observed on the day after Thanksgiving. (United States), and its related observances.
  • 23rd » Labour Thanksgiving Day (Japanese calendar National holidays or Japan)
  • 23rd » Public holidays in Slovenia e.g Rudolf Maister Day (Slovenia)
  • 24th » Christian Calendar of Saints called Feast Days:
  • 24th » Andrew Dung-Lac and other Vietnamese Martyrs
  • 24th » Saint Chrysogonus e.g Chrysogonus (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 24th » Colman of Cloyne (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 24th » Firmina (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 24th » Flavian of Ricina (Roman Catholic Church)
  • 24th » Saint Mercurius or Mercurius (Eastern Church)
  • 24th » Justus Falckner, Jehu Jones, William Passavant (Lutheran)
  • 24th » November 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 24th » Lachit Borphukan Lachit Divas e.g Lachit Divas (Assam)
  • 25th » Christian Calendar of Saints e.g Feast Day:
  • 25th » Catherine of Alexandria
  • 25th » Elizabeth of Reute
  • 25th » Catherine Labouré
  • 25th » James Otis Sargent Huntington (Episcopal Church (USA))
  • 25th » Isaac Watts (Lutheran)
  • 25th » November 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 25th » Evacuation Day (New York) e.g Evacuation Day (19th century New York City)
  • 25th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Suriname from the Netherlands in 1975.
  • 25th » International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (International observance called International)
  • 25th » Public holidays in Bosnia and Herzegovina or National Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • 26th » Christian Calendar of Saints called Feast Days:
  • 26th » John Berchmans
  • 26th » Pope Siricius
  • 26th » Stylianos of Paphlagonia (Eastern Orthodoxy)
  • 26th » Sylvester Gozzolini
  • 26th » Isaac Watts (Episcopal Church (USA))
  • 26th » November 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 26th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Mongolia from China on July 11, 1921.
  • 27th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 27th » Barlaam and Josaphat, the Christianized version of Buddha
  • 27th » Congar of Congresbury
  • 27th » Facundus and Primitivus
  • 27th » Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Roman Catholic)
  • 27th » Vergilius of Salzburg
  • 27th » November 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 27th » Maaveerar Day (Tamil Eelam)
  • 28th » Christian Feast Day:
  • 28th » Catherine Labouré
  • 28th » Feast of the Holy Sovereigns (Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii)
  • 28th » Kamehameha IV known as Kamehameha and Queen Emma of Hawaii e.g Emma (Episcopal Church (USA))
  • 28th » Herman of Alaska, the anniversary of his actual death. Eastern Orthodox
  • 28th » Pope Gregory III
  • 28th » Albanian Declaration of Independence called Independence Day / National Day / Flag Day, celebrate the independence of Albania from Turkey in 1912, the first Albanian flag raise by Skanderbeg in 1443, and for the new Constitution of Albania named parliamen
  • 28th » Independence Day, celebrate the independence of Mauritania from France in 1960.
  • 28th » Independence Day, celebrate the independence of Panama from Spain in 1821.
  • 28th » Navy Day (Iran)
  • 28th » Public holidays in Burundi named Republic Day (Burundi)
  • 29th » Christian Calendar of Saints called Feast Day:
  • 29th » Brendan of Birr
  • 29th » Cuthbert Mayne
  • 29th » Radboud of Utrecht
  • 29th » Saturnin
  • 29th » November 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 29th » International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (International observances called International)
  • 29th » Liberation Day (Albania) called Liberation Day or 'Dita e Çlirimit' (Albania)
  • 29th » Republic Day 29 November in the former Yugoslavia (1945–2002) or Republic Day (Yugoslavia)
  • 29th » Public holidays in Vanuatu e.g Unity Day (Vanuatu)
  • 30th » Public holidays in the Philippines e.g Bonifacio Day (Philippines)
  • 30th » Christian Calendar of Saints called feast day:
  • 30th » Saint Andrew known as Andrew
  • 30th » November 30 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • 30th » Cities for Life Day (International)
  • 30th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Barbados from the United Kingdom in 1966
  • 30th » Independence Day, celebrates the independence of PDRY e.g South Yemen from the United Kingdom in 1967
  • 30th » Public holidays in Benin or National Day (Benin)
  • 30th » Regina Mundi e.g Regina Mundi Day (South Africa)

Year 1393 events in history for the month of November

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Historical events for the year 1393 by month