Day of Week Friday in other languages
- If you are interested in languages then this day of the week Friday is called:
Dies Veneris in Latin, Freitag in German, Vendredi in French, Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish
Zodiac Sign ♒ Aquarius Born on this Date
- People born in the year 1228 on the 11th February have the zodiac sign Aquarius.
The symbol of the water-bearer is based on Hyas, who was killed by wild beasts while fetching water from the river. His sisters make rain when they weep for him, hence the sign has an association with air.
Aquarius as individuals tend to be creative, independent and more interested in their own ideas and concepts. The biggest strengths for Aquarius are witt, cleverness, humanitarian, inventive and original. This zodiac sign has great spirit and tends to be social and extroverted. Things Aquariuses can work on to improve thier personality are sarcasm, aloofness, rebelliosness, sarcas, being too stubborn and unemotional.
It might take time to get an Aquarius to open up and share their emotions. When you talk with them about any other subject than emotions you fill find Aquariuses to be very friendly.
February 11th Holidays in History
- » Armed Forces Day (Liberia)
- » Christian Calendar of saints called Feast Day:
- » Benedict of Aniane
- » Saint Blaise or Blaise
- » Cædmon, first recorded Christian Poet in England, circa 680 CE (Anglicanism)
- » Fanny Crosby (Episcopal Church (USA))
- » Gobnait
- » Pope Gregory II named Gregory II
- » February 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- » Public holidays in Azerbaijan named Day of Revenue Service (Azerbaijan)
- » Evelio Javier Day (Panay Island, the Philippines)
- » Feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes (Catholic Church), and its related observances:
- » World Day of the Sick (Catholic Church named Roman Catholic Church)
- » National Foundation Day (Japan)
- » Youth Day (Cameroon)
If you were born on this day of the week in the year 1228 then you would be 797 years old today. If you decided to start collecting one dollar every day at the age 10 then you would have accumulated $287255 today.