Day of Week Friday in other languages
- If you are interested in languages then this day of the week Friday is called:
Dies Veneris in Latin, Freitag in German, Vendredi in French, Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish
Zodiac Sign ♈ Aries Born on this Date
- People born in the year 1988 on the 25th March have the zodiac sign Aries.
Aries is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac. The symbol of the ram is based on the Chrysomallus, the flying ram that provided the Golden Fleece.
Having impressive leadership qualities Aries tend to have burning desires to get started off and make things happen. Aries traits are adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick-witted. Leaving very strong impressions on others that they are exciting, vibrant and talkative.
Aries love adventure in their lives and being the center of attention is a must. One reason for this could be their natural confidence and ablity for leadership. Aries are enthusiastic and impulsive. Their motto is act first and think later. This impulsiveness can lead to regret in the future.
Aries are loyal mates. When Aries falls in love, they will straight away go and express it to the one with whom they are in love without giving it a much thought. They can make good athletes and climbers, doctors, explorers, soldiers, sailors and airmen, and leaders, though awkward subordinates, in industry and politics.
Historical Events for 25th March, 1988
- » The Candle demonstration in Bratislava known as Candle demonstration in Bratislava is the first mass demonstration of the 1980s against the communist regime in Czechoslovakia.
Famous Birthdays on March 25 in 1988
- » Erik Knudsen, Canadian actor
- » Ryan Lewis, American DJ and producer (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis)
- » Edd Gould, British animator (d. 2012)
- » Big Sean, American rapper
- » Arthur Zeiler, German rugby player
March 25th Famous Deaths for 1988
- » Robert Joffrey, American dancer, choreographer, and director, co-founded the Joffrey Ballet (b. 1930)
March 25th Holidays in History
- » San Marino Public holidays and festivals known as Anniversary of the Arengo and the Feast of the Militants (San Marino)
- » Birkat Hachama is recited every 28 years on this day according to Julian Calendar (Judaism)
- » Christian feast days:
- » Alfwold
- » Barontius and Desiderius
- » Penitent thief known as Dismas, the "Good Thief"
- » Humbert of Maroilles
- » Quirinus of Tegernsee
- » March 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- » Feast of the Annunciation (Christianity), and its related observances:
- » Historic start of the new year (Lady Day) in England, Wales, Ireland, and The Thirteen Colonies called the future United States until the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in 1752. (The year 1751 began on 25 March; the year 1752 began on 1 January.) It i
- » International Day of the Unborn Child (International observances called international)
- » 'Waffle Day e.g VĂ„rfrudagen' or 'VĂ„ffeldagen', "Waffle Day" (Sweden)
- » Freedom Day (Belarus)
- » Maryland Day (Maryland)
- » Public holidays in Greece known as Revolution Day, celebrates the declaration of the start of Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire, in 1821.
- » Candle demonstration in Bratislava named Struggle for Human Rights Day (Slovakia)
If you were born on this day of the week in the year 1988 then you would be 37 years old today. If you decided to start collecting one dollar every day at the age 10 then you would have accumulated $9855 today.