July 28th 298 Day of the Week

Calendar Day of Week for July 28th (298) was a Thursday. It's the 209th day of the year (210th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 156 days left to the end of the year.

Day of Week Thursday in other languages

  • If you are interested in languages then this day of the week Thursday is called:
    Dies Jovis in Latin, Donnerstag in German, Jeudi in French, Giovedi in Italian, Jueves in Spanish

Zodiac Sign ♌ Leo Born on this Date

  • People born in the year 298 on the 28th July have the zodiac sign Leo.

    Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. The symbol of the lion is based on the Nemean Lion, a lion with an impenetrable hide. Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well.

    Amazingly creative on the spot. Dominant and the biggest extrovert of all the Zodiac Signs. Leo always enjoy attention and they usually will be at the center of it. Knowing exactly what they want Leos will make use of all their wits and creativeness to get achieve said desires. In love, sex and relationships, Leos are full of energy. They offer a lot and want the same in return.

    Setbacks or failures will never bring a Leo to their knees. As the name suggests they are born leaders. Public image is very important to Leo. Leos will be most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and energy brings out the best from subordinates.
    Very generous, kind and openhearted people. In relationships with others the Leo type is open, sincere, genuine and trusting. The secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed.

July 28th Holidays in History

  • » Christian Calendar of saints or Feast Day:
  • » Saint Alphonsa named Alphonsa Muttathupadathu
  • » Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederick Handel, Henry Purcell (Calendar of saints (Episcopal Church) e.g Episcopal Church)
  • » Johann Sebastian Bach, Heinrich Schütz, George Frederick Handel (Calendar of Saints (Lutheran) known as Lutheran)
  • » Nazarius and Celsus
  • » July 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
  • » Expulsion of the Acadians Commemorations or Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval (Canada)
  • » Fiestas Patrias (Peru) known as Fiestas Patrias, celebrates the independence of Peru from Spain by General José de San Martín in 1821. (Peru)
  • » San Marino Public holidays and festivals or Liberation Day (San Marino)
  • » Ólavsøka Eve (Faroe Islands)
If you were born on this day of the week in the year 298 then you would be 1727 years old today. If you decided to start collecting one dollar every day at the age 10 then you would have accumulated $626705 today.

Calendar for the year 298 and a calender for the month of July

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

Calendar By Years in History for 28th July