April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the fifth in the early Julian and one of four months with a length of 30 days. April is commonly associated with the season of spring in parts of the Northern hemisphere and autumn in parts of the Southern hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern hemisphere and vice versa.
April symbols: The birthstone for April is the diamond. The birth flower is typically listed as either the Daisy (Bellis perennis) or the Sweet Pea. The zodiac signs for the month of April are Aries (until April 20) and Taurus (April 21 onwards).
Historical Events for April, 1818
Day of Week 4th » The United States Congress adopts the flag of the United States with 13 red and white stripes and one star for each state (then 20).
Day of Week 16th » The United States Senate ratifies the Rush-Bagot Treaty, establishing the border with Canada.
Day of Week 20th » The case of 'Ashford v Thornton' ends, with Abraham Thornton allowed to go free rather than face a retrial for murder, after his demand for trial by battle is upheld.
Famous Birthdays on April in 1818
4th » Thomas Mayne Reid, Irish-American author (d. 1883)
6th » Aasmund Olavsson Vinje, Norwegian journalist and poet (d. 1870)