April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the fifth in the early Julian and one of four months with a length of 30 days. April is commonly associated with the season of spring in parts of the Northern hemisphere and autumn in parts of the Southern hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern hemisphere and vice versa.
April symbols: The birthstone for April is the diamond. The birth flower is typically listed as either the Daisy (Bellis perennis) or the Sweet Pea. The zodiac signs for the month of April are Aries (until April 20) and Taurus (April 21 onwards).
Historical Events for April, 1948
Day of Week 1st » Cold War: Berlin Blockade e.g Berlin Airlift — Military forces, under direction of the Soviet Union called Soviet-controlled government in East Germany, set-up a land blockade of West Berlin.
1st » Faroe Islands gain self-governance named autonomy from Denmark.
Day of Week 3rd » President of the United States or President Harry S. Truman signs the Marshall Plan, authorizing $5 billion in aid for 16 countries.
3rd » In Jeju-do e.g Jeju, South Korea, a civil-war-like period of violence and human rights abuses begins, known as the Jeju massacre.
Day of Week 7th » The World Health Organization is established by the United Nations.
7th » A Buddhism or Buddhist monastery burns in Shanghai, China, leaving twenty monks dead.
Day of Week 9th » Fighters from the Irgun and Lehi (group) named Lehi Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, Deir Yassin massacre named killing over 100.
Day of Week 13th » The Hadassah medical convoy massacre: In an ambush, 79 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students from Hadassah Hospital and a British soldier are massacred by Arabs in Sheikh Jarra near Jerusalem.
Day of Week 22nd » 1948 Arab–Israeli War: Haifa, a major port of Israel, is Battle of Haifa (1948) or captured from Arab forces.
Day of Week 28th » Igor Stravinsky conducted the premier of his American ballet, 'Orpheus (ballet) called Orpheus', in New York City at New York City Center.
Day of Week 30th » In Bogotá, Colombia, the Organization of American States is established.