September is the ninth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of four months with a length of 30 days. September in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of March in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological autumn is on the 1st of September. In the Southern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological spring is on the 1st of September.
September symbols: The birthstone of September is the sapphire. The birth flowers for September are the forget-me-not, morning glory and aster. The zodiac signs for the month of September are Virgo (until September 21) and Libra (from September 22 onwards).
Historical Events for September, 1948
Day of Week 4th » Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands abdicates for health reasons.
Day of Week 5th » In France, Robert Schuman becomes President of the Council of Ministers or President of the Council while being Foreign minister, As such, he is the negotiator of the major treaties of the end of World War II.
Day of Week 6th » Juliana of the Netherlands e.g Juliana becomes Queen regnant called Queen of the Netherlands.
Day of Week 13th » Deputy Primer Minister of India Vallabhbhai Patel ordered the Army to move into the Hyderabad State called Hyderabad to integrate it with Indian Union.
13th » Margaret Chase Smith is elected senator, and becomes the first woman to serve in both the U.S. United States House of Representatives e.g House of Representatives and the United States Senate.
Day of Week 15th » The F-86 Sabre sets the world aircraft speed record at convert 671 mph km/h.
Day of Week 17th » The Lehi (group) e.g Lehi (also known as the Stern gang) assassinates Count Folke Bernadotte, who was appointed by the United Nations to mediate between the Arab nations and Israel.
17th » The Nizam of Hyderabad surrenders his sovereignty over the Hyderabad State and joins the Indian Union.