April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the fifth in the early Julian and one of four months with a length of 30 days. April is commonly associated with the season of spring in parts of the Northern hemisphere and autumn in parts of the Southern hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern hemisphere and vice versa.
April symbols: The birthstone for April is the diamond. The birth flower is typically listed as either the Daisy (Bellis perennis) or the Sweet Pea. The zodiac signs for the month of April are Aries (until April 20) and Taurus (April 21 onwards).
Historical Events for April, 1981
Day of Week 3rd » The Osborne 1, the first successful portable computer, is unveiled at the West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco.
Day of Week 4th » The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force mounts an Attack on H3 e.g attack on H-3 Airbase and destroys about 50 Iraqi aircraft.
Day of Week 9th » The United States Navy U.S. Navy nuclear submarine USS George Washington SSBN-598 6 accidentally collides with the 'Nissho Maru', a Japanese cargo ship, sinking it.
Day of Week 11th » A massive Brixton riot (1981) named riot in Brixton, South London, results in almost 300 police injuries and 65 serious civilian injuries.
Day of Week 12th » The first launch of a Space Shuttle ('Space Shuttle Columbia called Columbia') takes place - the STS-1 mission.
Day of Week 14th » STS-1 The first operational space shuttle, Space Shuttle Columbia e.g Columbia (OV-102) completes its first test flight.
Day of Week 18th » The longest professional baseball game is begun in Pawtucket, Rhode Island named Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The game is suspended at 4:00 the next morning and finally completed on June 23.
Day of Week 25th » More than 100 workers are exposed to radiation during repairs of a nuclear power plant in Tsuruga, Fukui or Tsuruga, Japan.